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When it comes to growing a business, live streaming ecommerce has never been more important. In 2020, many retailers discovered the hard way that having a successful online platform is key to avoiding financial disaster. This transition into the online retail world, however, didn’t happen overnight.

The truth is that the recent pandemic jump-started the transition of shopping on live streams, as more and more shoppers sought the comforts of live video shopping for products and services from the comforts of their own homes.

If you’re hoping to secure your spot in the online marketing world, you’ve likely noticed the unmistakable trend for retailers to transition to ecommerce websites. While ecommerce is certainly not new, the digital marketing of ecommerce is constantly evolving.

BeLive| the fastest growing video marketing trendOne of the latest and fastest digital marketing strategies to hit the market is the use of live streaming ecommerce.

In this post, discover how live streaming has been pivotal in the ecommerce market, and what it means for those looking to hone in on their marketing tactics.

What Is Live Streaming Ecommerce?

Live streaming for e-commerce involves using a live streaming platform to create video content for marketing products and services. When done well, viewers will take a personal interest in your business and be called to act on the purchase of what you’re advertising. It’s essentially live video shopping.

This form of interaction strengthens the authenticity between your business and the viewers who are watching. It gives them voice, which in turn helps you discover your target market’s interests and shopping trends.

On some live streaming platforms, there is even the existence of live shopping buttons. These are buttons within the live stream which opens up an in-stream product catalogue when viewers tap on it. Viewers can then ‘add to cart’ without leaving the live stream.

What Are The Benefits?

Live streaming is highly beneficial for ecommerce businesses due to a number of reasons:

Showing viewers how to use your products, and having a result that is impressive and exciting, are the secret ingredients to making customers want to make that purchase.

  • It establishes trust and authenticity.

Your customers get to see the real you behind the store. Without room for edits or professional acting, live streaming for businesses creates a sense of connection between the audience and those on video.

  • It builds your branding.

Live video streaming is your company’s chance to show its colors and highlight quirky personality traits that make you, your team, and your products stand out from the crowd.

  • It increases the time customers spend on your website.

The more time viewers spend on your website, the more likely they are to buy more of your items. This is especially true if you offer promotional codes during your live stream.

  • Your audience will increase.

Live streaming events boost social media presence, and as the day for the live streaming event approaches, this builds a sense of excitement and anticipation for both your team and viewers.

  • Your social media presence will improve.

By posting updates, sharing, and informing viewers of an upcoming live event through social media, those sharing your live ecommerce event will help increase traffic organically.

How Is Live Streaming Changing Ecommerce?

Live streaming brings businesses and shoppers alike new means for getting their needs met. Retail rent is expensive, foot traffic has severely slowed down, and many buyers no longer feel safe even walking into a store. A live streaming ecommerce business strategy can avoid these unstable, constantly changing factors.

While live streaming was once only used by influencers and smaller retail markets, bigger corporations are making the transition to the more stable, online world, where live videos serve as both a form of entertainment to customers, and a showcase of genuinely relevant products and services.

Live Streaming Ecommerce - The Fastest Growing Video Marketing TrendHow to Use Live Streaming for Your Business

If you’re ready to get started using live streaming for your ecommerce website, it’s easier than it sounds. Below are tips on how to use live streaming to its highest potential:

  • Make sure your video quality is good.
  • Demonstrate your products in action from multiple angles, being sure to do a close-up of key aspects.
  • Use social media to promote your live streaming event ahead of time.
  • Make it mobile-friendly and shareable.

Live video shopping is the future, so if you’re ready to plan ahead, now is the time to get started.

Is your business looking for a flexible live streaming solution with a quick turnaround? BeLive Technology covers a wide variety of solutions for any industry. Contact BeLive Technology now.

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