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Live stream events provide an entirely new platform for businesses to reach both existing and new customers. Data collected by Statista indicates that in the US alone, about 239 million people watched live stream events or downloaded videos in 2020. Professional live stream services can boost engagement, help you build a trusting relationship with your clientele, and elevate your brand image.

A study conducted by 99 Firms indicates that 80% of consumers prefer live video events over blog posts. Several businesses are already taking advantage of this live streaming opportunity. In this article, we look at some of the benefits of using a professional live streaming service that is sure to give you high returns.

There are many benefits to using video live streaming services to broadcast your event as opposed to creating a server on your own.

BeLive| 10 Benefits of Live Streaming with Professional ServicesProfessional Live Stream Services

Setting up your own live stream requires technical skills and experience that the average business professional doesn’t have. You can purchase your own server but this option can get too complicated and expensive. 

If you aren’t yet very familiar with streaming technology, it’s generally easiest and more affordable to use a professional live streaming service. This makes it easier for you to broadcast your live event with just a few clicks of your mouse.

Top 10 Benefits of Live Streaming with a Professional Service

1. Features Flexibility

Professional live stream services such as BeLive Technology usually offer fully customizable live streaming features. Don’t be fooled, customization doesn’t only apply to aesthetics and branding colours. It also applies to specifications and user experience.

Best of all, in using a professional service, you don’t have to worry about the technical know-how, because the service will do that for you.

2. High Quality Live Streams

When you stream with a free platform or your own servers, it’s difficult to achieve high-quality streaming. You need to have a video service with a robust infrastructure and a good content delivery network (CDN) to achieve this.

When you broadcast to other viewers, you want to ensure that your video works perfectly and consistently without technical glitches. BeLive Technology offers 1080p high definition videos, with adaptive bitrate. What this means is that if a user’s internet connection is not strong enough, they can still watch the live stream albeit in lower quality.

3. Versatile Content Production

Live broadcasting isn’t solely restricted to live video and audio streaming services. You have the flexibility to use a variety of forms of video content and multimedia, including pictures, text, and live chat. 

Many platforms provide a lot of flexibility to access different presentation methodologies. 

Furthermore, you can repurpose your live streams into on-demand content. This allows you to maximize viewership.

4. Customer Support

For the layman, troubleshooting technical problems can be extremely challenging. With professional services, you get to have access to a full-fledged customer support team to assist you with technical issues, adding new features or version updates.

5. Ease and Convenience

A common myth about live streaming is that it’s too difficult and technical for the average person to pull off. On the contrary, live streaming can be very simple. All you need are relevant video and audio equipment, an internet connection, and a trusty streaming platform. 

The platform that BeLive Technology provides comes with a content management system to help you with managing your platform. The platform is usable for the average joe with no technical knowledge.

6. Data and Analytics at Your Fingertips

Most professional streaming services are equipped with tracking tools and analytic dashboards to help you evaluate the outcome of your live event.

With many video live streaming services, you can see relevant metrics like viewer numbers, engagement, and behaviors. This data will help you to identify more clearly who your audience really is. The best part is you are able to tie in the relevant data points with your CRM strategy.

7. Distraction-free User Experience

The most prominent downfall of free streaming is that the stream will be loaded with advertisements and content that can take away the viewers’ focus. However, professional services will have the option for ad-free streaming so that you can have the undivided attention of your audience.

Some platforms, like BeLive Technology, are white-label services, which means that your live stream player comes equipped with control buttons that allow you to customize your content to your liking.

8. Video Monetization

When you have your own custom live streaming platform, you can monetize your content in any way you want. You may decide to implement subscription fees, pay per view options, or other payment alternatives; the choice is yours.

BeLive | Live Stream Solutions for BusinessA unique monetization method used by social live streaming apps would be virtual gifting. Platforms with virtual gifting would allow live stream viewers to purchase in-app currency. This in-app currency can be used to buy virtual gifts that can be gifted to their favourite live streamers. The live streams can then ‘cash out’ the virtual gifts as a form of income.

9. Security and Privacy

Professional live stream services include privacy and security tools like tokenized security, password protection, domain restrictions, and IP or geographic restrictions. These tools can give you complete control of your live stream events ensures that your content and videos are safe from hackers.

10. Customizable Video Player

Professional live stream services also offer customizable video players through paid streaming solutions. This allows businesses to customize the branding and add functional business elements directly into the video player. This option is highly beneficial as businesses can seamlessly integrate their CTAs or call-to-action and websites to the live stream events. Professional live stream services also offer other valuable tools like video API access to customize the hosting experience through external encoders, CRMs, mixers, or similar program integration.

To Wrap Up

It is safe to say that professional live stream services are the best for a streamlined broadcasting experience. Conduct your live streams through professional service and enjoy valuable resources that can help you get closer to your business goals. If your business is ready to make that next move, contact BeLive Technology for a free consultation.

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