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Video commerce in 2023 still leads the marketing race.

This year, online video is expected to account for 82.5% of all web traffic. That’s why 86% of businesses now use video as a key content marketing tool!

Video marketing is the way to go whether you want to drive traffic to your e-commerce website or convert engagements to profits. Be it a 30-second ad, vlog, or quick product walkthrough, featuring videos will help you grow your brand exponentially.

The question is – what kind of content do audiences want today? What videos generate more business visibility, engagements, leads, and conversions?

Let’s find out!

Video Commerce Trends You Should Try in 2023


Live Streaming Videos

Did you know that in 2019, people collectively watched 1.5 million years’ worth of live streams? That’s 12.7 billion hours of live video! No wonder in 2022, live stream shopping became a $500 market in China. And the US is catching up, as tech giants like Google, Amazon, and Facebook have decided to jump in.

While users prefer to consume video content in general, live videos generate higher interactions. We see it daily on Facebook – audiences watch live videos three times longer than prerecorded content! Using a video commerce platform to host live videos is a great way to increase audience engagement and boost your eCommerce sales

Here are the ways businesses can take advantage of live videos today: 

  • Host live events with a big audience
  • Promote products and services
  • Provide a live shopping experience to customers
  • Show product demos and behind-the-scenes content
  • Interview industry experts and key people
  • Host Q&A sessions with followers

Try to incorporate these in your video marketing strategy, and your audience will grow!

Shoppable Videos

If you use Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube regularly, you’ve come across videos that contain links to particular products being showcased. That’s basically what a shoppable video is.

Brands create promotional videos and link their products to make them more accessible. By clicking on these product links, shoppers can directly purchase the items or get redirected to a dedicated product page to learn more.

Ultimately, it creates a more seamless shopping experience for your potential customers. Plus, your business can benefit from those instant sales. It’s a win-win!

Shoppable videos are taking the lead in video commerce in 2023, especially now that live shopping is on the rise. Apart from generating more brand awareness, it also streamlines the shopping process. After all, creating an outstanding retail customer experience is critical to eCommerce success!

Product Demonstrations

One of the best ways to bring your products closer to your audience is to show them off.

Want to make your clothing line shine? Show how the clothing pieces look when worn. Selling skincare sets? Let your followers see how exactly it can improve their skin. Introducing a tool? Show how it works and educate the audience about its features and specs. You get the gist!

An equally informative and entertaining product demo is enough to convince potential customers to make that purchase. Through such content, buyers can see the product in action, its quality, benefits, and advantages, helping them make an informed decision.

Pre-recorded product demos are good, but nothing beats a real-time experience. Showcasing your products live through a video commerce platform is a smart move!

Virtual Product Launches

Creating videos to introduce new products is a surefire way to build excitement for your potential customers. A virtual product launch is easier to execute and more accessible. It can also help you reach a global audience and provide a more interactive experience for your attendees.

Plus, it’s way more practical! Hosting a virtual launch can be more cost-effective than organizing a live physical event, especially for solopreneurs and small eCommerce businesses. You need not worry about extra expenses like venue rental, catering, and travel for attendees.

Here are some fun and engaging ways to do virtual product launches:

  • Teaser videos to create hype
  • Contests and giveaways
  • Live product launching
  • Prerecorded launch videos
  • Social media awareness campaigns

If you want to reach out to a bigger audience and increase brand visibility, staging virtual product launches is an effective way to maximize video commerce in 2023.


Customer Testimonial Videos

Testimonials can do two amazing things for your business: 1) establish trust with your consumers, and 2) ensure longevity.

It’s hard to convince a customer to choose your brand when you hardly showcase any success stories. So, gather and include them in your content! This 2023, more and more businesses are leaning towards a video marketing strategy focusing on excellent customer reviews and positive experiences.

Start collecting testimonials from your customers and create video snippets, ads, or a whole campaign around it. Testimonial videos enhance your brand image and entice potential customers to purchase your offerings.

Influencer Marketing

Partnering with influencers to create sponsored videos featuring your brand’s products can effectively reach a targeted audience. Influencers often have a specific niche or audience, which makes it easier for you to hit your desired demographic.

Plus, influencers have a large following! Their endorsement can help build your brand’s credibility and increase product sales.

Another way to do influencer marketing is by reaching out to satisfied customers and having them as brand advocates. Collaborate with them in creating user-generated content. For example: produce prerecorded or live videos of them talking about how your products or services helped them solve a problem or improve their lifestyle.

Driving your focus toward user-generated content will do wonders for your marketing success. Why? 90% of shoppers’ purchasing decisions are influenced by such content!

Posting these videos on social networks and resharing them across multiple platforms will boost your brand’s visibility.

Search-Optimized Videos

Search Engine Optimization is common practice for eCommerce businesses. However, search-optimized videos are a relatively new and growing video marketing trend worth exploring.

Have you seen those video snippets that Google displays next to search results? That’s video SEO in action.

It’s about creating optimized videos to rank in search engines’ top spots for relevant keyword searches. This way, viewers and potential customers can easily find your videos and start interacting with your brand.

Keep these tips in mind when you start producing search-optimized videos:

  • Generate value-adding video content like explainer videos and product walkthroughs
  • Use relevant keywords in your video’s title, tags, and description
  • Include strong calls-to-action (CTAs)
  • Upload video transcripts
  • Integrate social media into your content


Wrap Up

Entering 2023 with a strong video marketing strategy will help sustain, enhance, and skyrocket your business success. And by following this year’s trends, you’ll be able to increase your success rate significantly.

An engaging, high-quality marketing video can boost brand awareness, increase sales, and establish trust and loyalty. 

But having a bright idea and an effective strategy is not enough – you’ll need a reliable and scalable video commerce platform to create, host, and share your captivating videos.

BeLive helps you grow your business by providing an easy and creative live-streaming space. If you’re venturing towards live commerce with a real-time customer experience, our platform’s interactive tools are designed to increase your audience engagement dramatically.

Book a live demo with our live-streaming specialists today to discover the right solution for you!

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