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If your digital marketing campaign isn’t incorporating a live streaming strategy, you are missing a huge opportunity. While many people don’t mind reading content in the form of blog posts or articles, a large percentage of people prefer videos as a medium to consume content.

Pre-recorded videos are great in terms of production value and ability to convey messages, however, live streamed videos are unmatched in their ability to convey tone and to give a personal touch. Besides that, a live stream strategy for digital marketing is an extremely effective way to monetize your video content, authentically interact with your customer base, and reach a massive audience.

BeLive| Live Streaming on digital marketingMonetizing Your Video Content

An effective live streaming strategy for digital marketing allows you to easily monetize your videos. This can be done in a number of ways, but two common ways to achieve video monetization are to set up pay-per-view events or monthly subscriptions.

While it may seem like people would be turned away by a paywall on videos, it can also have the opposite effect, as many customers would rather pay a flat PPV or monthly fee to avoid having ads pop up multiple times throughout the course of a video.

Authentically Interact with Your Customer Base

When filming a live stream, you have the ability to directly interact with your customers. People can send in questions and you can respond to them in real-time. This type of interaction gives a sense of legitimacy that is nearly impossible to achieve through traditional online marketing methods.

Additionally, with many live streaming campaigns, you can market your newest products. This practice can make your customers feel like they are getting a special sneak peek reserved only for them, building a sense of trust and community.

While we may not be able to gather in person due to the current state of the world, we can still provide a sense of a genuine person to person connection through a well-constructed live streaming strategy.

Reach a Massive Audience

Live streaming as a digital marketing strategy is a fantastic way to expand your brand’s reach. People tend to be intrigued by live, interactive video messaging. Regardless of what you are selling, if your live stream strategy is compelling enough, people will want to tune in and see what it is you’re talking about.

This also gives you the ability to interact with those with whom you may have assumed were outside of your marketing niche, but who may actually benefit from your product or service. For example, if your brand primarily markets to working adults, but you’re finding that a lot of college students are tuning into your live streams for one reason or another, you’ll be able to consolidate that data and tweak your marketing strategy to catch every one of your potential clients.

Customize Live Streaming For Your Business

With so many brands getting onboard live streaming, it’s getting tougher to stand out. One sure-win way to get ahead of your competitors is to have your own customized live streaming technology.

How is this possible? With end-to-end live streaming services, you can have your live streaming features developed according to how you want them to be. Say goodbye to having your live streams look and work just like everyone else’s.

One example of such services is BeLive Technology. BeLive Technology creates custom live streaming platforms and features for businesses. They power Rakuten Japan’s live streaming app as well as Changi Airport Group’s live shopping festival. Two very different platforms with different functionalities, all developed by the same live stream service.

live streaming shopping solution

Bottom Line

The world is continually moving toward an online model in every imaginable way. The marketing world is no exception to this digitization, and brands need to quickly pivot toward an effective live streaming strategy before it’s too late. Live stream marketing is one of the best ways to reach new and existing customers, and if you aren’t incorporating the practice now, you should strongly consider it.

If your business is ready to make that next move, contact BeLive Technology for a free consultation.

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