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As lockdown and social distancing norms continue to disrupt business models, various companies are searching for new revenue channels. One avenue to keep customers engaged is through live video broadcasting. Live streaming became increasingly prominent at the beginning of 2020 and showed a 45% growth between March and April. Studies conducted by Grand View Research show that the global live streaming market is expected to reach about USD 224 billion by 2028.

As the pandemic continues to bring about long-lasting economic and social changes, live streaming is the most valuable medium for brand promotion. Here are some expert live streaming tips that your business can follow to broadcast live stream like a pro and boost audience engagement.

Research, Research, and Some More Research

An effective audience engagement requires a complete understanding of your target market and what kind of content will inspire them. You can collect data on your audience’s lifestyle, spending habits, brand affinities and position your content better to genuinely connect with the audience. While researching, it is also essential to stay current with the events and the news cycle to avoid appearing insensitive or irrelevant.

Use the Right Live Streaming Services

Most of the social media platforms including, YouTube and Twitch, allow you to live stream. When opting for a live streaming service, consider where your audience is following you and choose the platform that best offers a direct-to-audience way to live stream. It is also crucial to select a live streaming service that provides audience participation for improved interaction and engagement.

If you want to provide your audience with an experience like no other, you can choose to opt for white label services. These services, like BeLive Technology, will develop a fully customized live streaming platform according to your needs. Their live streaming features are extensive, covering live shopping, and social live streaming features.

BeLive Live stream like a pro

Alternatively, if you don’t want to create a whole new platform, BeLive Technology can integrate their premium live streaming features into your existing platform as well.

Collaborate with Influencers

In recent years, businesses have shifted their marketing strategies by relying on influencers to raise brand awareness. Allowing popular influencers in your field to conduct live streams for your business can be an excellent way to reach new groups of potential leads and promote new products.

Even if you do not have the budget or connection to collaborate with a world-famous celebrity influencer, you can still connect to local influencers. In fact, local influencers have far more valuable relationships within the community. They can conduct live streams to inform their loyal followers about your new products, usage, and features or promote brand awareness.

Stick to a Live Stream Schedule

Another key live streaming tip is never to consider live streaming a one-time event. You can boost your customer engagement and push the audience to keep coming back for more by maintaining a steady live streaming schedule.

The best strategy you can adopt is conducting at least one or two sessions per week to keep your dedicated customers involved in your brand while providing opportunities for new leads to engage with your products. While maintaining a regular schedule, always promote your live event through broadcasts, emails, social media channels, and websites to maximize viewership.

Plan Your Live Stream Agenda Ahead of Time

Never conduct a live stream session in a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants mode. Think of live stream as an opportunity to deliver valuable content to your viewers about your business and services. Create an outline of what you want to cover in your live stream and plan exactly what you want to speak in the introductory section and closing parts of your video.

While developing your live stream agenda, think about why you want to conduct the live stream and your end goals. You may be using streaming as part of your sales funnel to generate leads, increase brand awareness, or boosting customer interaction. Based on your live session’s purpose, include a call to action that reflects what you want the audience to do next once they have viewed your video.

Encourage Users to Interact with Your Brand

Viewers typically have a short attention span, and they can quickly lose interest if you have a monotonous one-way live stream talk. One of the best ways to boost customer engagement is by pushing customers to interact through comments, emoticons, or using unique buttons provided by live streaming services. Don’t be afraid to ask for engagement. The general rule of thumb is that if you have a 20-minute video, call the audience to engage at least five to seven times.

BeLive | Live Stream Solutions for BusinessDon’t Be Afraid to Experiment

When you plan your live streaming, don’t be afraid to experiment and mix up different formats. This will help you identify content that resonates with your viewers and get you closer to your business goals. In conclusion, live streaming is an excellent opportunity to boost customer engagement. If you want to survive the post-pandemic normal, adopt these live streaming tips to grow brand awareness and increase revenue.

Got enough live streaming tips? Contact BeLive Technology for a free consultation on how their premium live streaming features will help boost your business.

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