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Live streaming is a term that has been used more and more as 2020 has progressed. Besides leveraging live streaming as a tactic for eCommerce and events, live stream has proven to be effective for education as well, and today we will share with you 5 Benefits of Live Video Streaming for Education Centres.

BeLive | Live Stream Solutions for educationWhile online education has always been used by overseas students, the COVID19 outbreak has pushed more education centres to shift their teaching into the live stream realm. The real-time interaction during a live lesson allows for a virtual classroom-like feel. With custom live streaming services for education like BeLive Technology, they provide you with even more custom live streaming features that your education centre would need.

Beyond the extended reach that live streaming brings, let us delve into even more benefits of live video streaming for education centres.

1. Analytics

When an education centre engages a virtual live class service provider, they can access user analytics whenever needed. For example, how BeLive works is that their solutions and features come with a backend content management system. With this system, the educator can evaluate attendance, engagement, and many others. If it appears that many students drop out of the live stream at a certain point of time, the educator can review the recording to see how they can improve.

With the metrics provided by BeLive, educators can analyse their lessons to determine what works and what can be optimised.

2. Fosters Creative Teaching and Learning

Using custom live stream software for schools, educators can use more tools to create more engaging and exciting lessons. For example, BeLive offers live trivia and live polling features as part of their live streaming technology. With live trivia, educators can carry out quizzes in real-time to ensure thorough understanding during the lesson. It might sound complicated but how BeLive works is that with the content management system that comes with their technology, teachers can fill in their questions and answers for the trivia, and it’s ready to go on the live stream. No coding required.

On top of that, educators can also invite other educators and experts from anywhere in the world to join in the live stream. This further enriches the lessons maximises the collaborative environment of online education.

3. Accessibility

With just a mobile device and internet connection, students can access live lessons wherever they are. Easy accessibility also increases the likelihood of full attendance during a live lesson. When you save your live video and publish it, your viewership can increase further.

Both students and teachers can benefit from the mobile quality of live streaming for online education. The ability to stream from anywhere creates exciting possibilities. The teacher can stream from the zoo or science lab to keep class interesting. The live chat features in a live streaming service for education also plays a huge part in accessibility. This is because students are able to clear their doubts with the teacher in real-time while the lessons go on. Many students hesitate to ask questions in class because they fear the exposure and their classmates’ disapproval. But, when they find themselves in an online environment, asking a question, suddenly feels much easier, which, in turn, helps them learn more.

5 Benefits of Live Video Streaming for Education Centres4. Massive Reach

The fourth key benefit of video Streaming for education centres is the reach. The reach that live streaming gives cannot be more emphasised. Since the onset of the global pandemic, the education sector has taken a terrible hit. Face-to-face schooling at all levels have been disrupted and things are yet to return to ‘normal’.

As a result of this, learning has to be shifted to online. Many education centres to turn to stream providers such as BeLive to enhance its online classroom delivery with BeLive’s intrinsic live stream technology.

BeLive has engaged over 6 million viewers and counting. Live streaming can transcend boundaries and reach learners anywhere they are in the world. You are no longer confined to the 4 walls of a classroom and the number of persons who can tune in at any given time beats any large lecture theatre.

5. Reduces Costs Over Time

Generally, online education is a much cheaper alternative for students and institutions, which is an advantage in itself. But live streaming takes it further.

You may start with free platforms like Facebook and YouTube to start generating interest and views. However, afterwards, you should consider launching your own virtual live class platform. This is because free platforms would leave you restricted to only a few features.

Whereas with a customised platform, you will be able to get the features you need for a productive learning environment. Some examples would be live quiz sessions and attendance-taking.

Having your very own platform will be cost-effective because simultaneously you will able to implement monetization models. A virtual class service provider such as BeLive Technology will allow you to implement subscription models, pay-per-view, in-stream payments and many more. These features are definitely not available on free platforms.

Key Takeaways

Live video streaming can add lots of value to education centres. It enables educators to deliver highly engaging, interactive and fascinating online classes. The fact that it is live might be intimidating at first, but once you overcome the fear of going live, the benefits are huge.

BeLive Technology provides end-to-end solutions for your live education platform. This means that their services cover the platform architecture, development and even designing. Essentially, they can create your dream live education mobile app or website from scratch.

And because it is white-label, the platform will have none of BeLive Technology’s branding or advertisements and can instead be customised to your education centre’s branding. If you’re interested in finding out more on what BeLive Technology can offer for your business, you can send in your enquiry here.

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